LUNATIC an Improvisation Animation
The improvisation animation film, an environmental comedy, tackles urgent earthly issues in a surrealistic and sometimes hilarious way, as seen by a lonely astronaut on the moon.
The film tackles urgent earthly issues, as seen by a lonely astronaut, called Antonio, who was left behind on the moon after his coming out. The Moon Guard, a statue of a skinned warrior rising from the moon's surface, symbolizes defense against the danger of space debris from above. In addition to the climate crisis, human waste, even in space, determines our fate. Ultimately, collisions between space debris and satellites will cause a cascade of collisions that will destroy all communications. It's called Kessler syndrome. The earth ends up with a Saturn like dust ring of metal and silicon. The lunar tardigrades witness the developments. Antonio is aware of these problems and as he put's it: “It is one small scrap by man, one giant heap by mankind.” He tries to do some terra forming on the moon and finally he meets the all knowing 'I am AI' who also happens to be the voice over.
Lunatic is a zero budget improvisation animation film by Robin Noorda, based on his poem about the human behaviour of leaving waste everywhere, even in outer space and his juvenile drawing of a skinned warrior, trying to defend itself against a lunar lander.
Themes and genre
Themes: human behaviour, earthly issues as climate catastrophe, global heating, the big burn, drought and floods, waste, space debris (Kessler Syndrome), danger of AI, danger of tech-totalitarianism, call to diminish digital dependence, death and extinction, pandemics, panspermia, terraforming, inclusiveness and awareness.
Genre: improvisation animation, hybrid, experimental and absurd environmental comedy.
Unknown yet, to be announced in 2024.
Director's statement
The array of urgent crisis the world is facing is of an absurd magnitude. The people who really can do something about it, do too little or are looking the other way. Since we are aware of man's lunacy, perhaps it is best to laugh about it.
It is an improvisation animation as the workflow was not based on a fixed script, storyboard or plan. As a result, the film plan could not be funded by funds and it is therefore a zero budget production. I started with only some ideas and images in my head. An approach promoted in order to maintain creativity during production instead of being merely a slave of the pre-production script and storyboard.
The film is based on my poem and my lost and recently re-emerged juvenile drawing (made in 1975) of a skinned warrior, trying to defend itself against a lunar lander. It also features a 40 years lost model spaceship I made during my internship at Toonder Studio's that also recently came back to me.
"Great choice of score and whimsical editing! Intriguing from start to end with the visual experimentation and self-aware voice over. Fantastic film!" - Conor Norrington, Big Fridge International Film Festival (initial reaction upon submission, even before selection).
"It’s an extraordinary film, and I have no idea how you made it on no budget. And it’s very very funny". - Greg Hackett, LMFF (initial reaction upon fee waiver submission, even before selection).
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The improvisation animation film, an environmental comedy, tackles urgent earthly issues in a surrealistic and sometimes hilarious way, as seen by a lonely astronaut on the moon.
The film tackles urgent earthly issues, as seen by a lonely astronaut, called Antonio, who was left behind on the moon after his coming out. The Moon Guard, a statue of a skinned warrior rising from the moon's surface, symbolizes defense against the danger of space debris from above. In addition to the climate crisis, human waste, even in space, determines our fate. Ultimately, collisions between space debris and satellites will cause a cascade of collisions that will destroy all communications. It's called Kessler syndrome. The earth ends up with a Saturn like dust ring of metal and silicon. The lunar tardigrades witness the developments. Antonio is aware of these problems and as he put's it: “It is one small scrap by man, one giant heap by mankind.” He tries to do some terra forming on the moon and finally he meets the all knowing 'I am AI' who also happens to be the voice over.
Lunatic is a zero budget improvisation animation film by Robin Noorda, based on his poem about the human behaviour of leaving waste everywhere, even in outer space and his juvenile drawing of a skinned warrior, trying to defend itself against a lunar lander.
Themes and genre
Themes: human behaviour, earthly issues as climate catastrophe, global heating, the big burn, drought and floods, waste, space debris (Kessler Syndrome), danger of AI, danger of tech-totalitarianism, call to diminish digital dependence, death and extinction, pandemics, panspermia, terraforming, inclusiveness and awareness.
Genre: improvisation animation, hybrid, experimental and absurd environmental comedy.
Unknown yet, to be announced in 2024.
Director's statement
The array of urgent crisis the world is facing is of an absurd magnitude. The people who really can do something about it, do too little or are looking the other way. Since we are aware of man's lunacy, perhaps it is best to laugh about it.
It is an improvisation animation as the workflow was not based on a fixed script, storyboard or plan. As a result, the film plan could not be funded by funds and it is therefore a zero budget production. I started with only some ideas and images in my head. An approach promoted in order to maintain creativity during production instead of being merely a slave of the pre-production script and storyboard.
The film is based on my poem and my lost and recently re-emerged juvenile drawing (made in 1975) of a skinned warrior, trying to defend itself against a lunar lander. It also features a 40 years lost model spaceship I made during my internship at Toonder Studio's that also recently came back to me.
"Great choice of score and whimsical editing! Intriguing from start to end with the visual experimentation and self-aware voice over. Fantastic film!" - Conor Norrington, Big Fridge International Film Festival (initial reaction upon submission, even before selection).
"It’s an extraordinary film, and I have no idea how you made it on no budget. And it’s very very funny". - Greg Hackett, LMFF (initial reaction upon fee waiver submission, even before selection).
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